WE're committed to Excellence

Our Code of Ethical Practice

Our commitment to the industry and the standard of education is reflected in our policies and practices. These standards are adopted to maintain the highest standards in management and delivery of our courses, as well as safeguarding the interests and welfare of students and dogs.

We do this by:

• Delivering courses and education with integrity, accuracy, and professionalism consistent with educational, cultural, and regulatory systems.

• Acting with integrity in dealing with students and members, both past and present.

We promote, encourage and teach the humane treatment of all animals in compliance with the laws of Australia. We adhere to the following Australian Codes of Practice and Acts:

3. igroomhub also follows and adheres to the Pet Industry Association of Australia guidelines

igroomhub follows and upholds the 5 Freedoms of Animals (originally defined by the UK’s Farm Animal Welfare Council in the 1960s):

Freedom from Hunger and Thirst
By ready access to fresh water and diet to maintain health and vigour
Freedom from Discomfort
By providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area
Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease
By prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment
Freedom to Express Normal Behaviour
By providing sufficient space, proper facilities, and company of the animal’s own kind
Freedom from Fear and Distress
By ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering

igroomhub is committed to the wellbeing of all animals, and especially those entrusted into the hands of pet groomers for grooming. We teach kindness, patience and respect as part of the grooming process, and strive to promote further education of pet owners through their groomer as a holistic approach to pet wellbeing.
